Products I Use


Collagen Supplements

I have found that one of the key factors in how well different people tolerate and move through trauma (whether physical or emotional) is resilience. Resilience of both tissue and emotional/mental capacities is vital. Body tissues, whether we’re talking about skin, joints, or the gut, lose resiliency with age, dehydration, and injury. I have found supplementation with collagen of the highest quality can drastically improve visible signs of aging, injured tissue and joint quality, or leaky guts. To learn more about these products, and see what might be best for you message Danielle @ or click below to register for a brief informative video

Whole Food Supplements

Unless we are very intentional with choosing free-range/organic food, I think we can all admit that our food quality lacks important nutrients. The more processed and GMO foods we eat, the more at risk we are for nutrient deficiencies that eventually lead to a whole host of potential illnesses. These days, it’s almost impossible to gain all the necessary vitamins and minerals we need to be healthy and avoid disease without supplementation. My family and I use daily supplements made from what I believe to be the most pure and whole forms—organically grown fruits and vegetables. Learn more here: or email Danielle @

Oils and Salves

I started on the journey of creating Live Well Oils in my pursuit of finding ways for healthier living. My first adventure into essential oils started with searching for safe ways to improve my sleep quality when my kids were infants. With the success I found, my trust increased, and my interest and knowledge of how to use essential oils expanded to cover my family’s needs. As the kids grew, I desired more natural options for healing them from everything from scrapes and burns to colds and ear infections.

I started to share my blends with friends as gifts and I quickly started hearing stories about how well the salves were helping them and their families. As interest exploded, demand became more than something I could do for free or as favors. Live Well Oils was the logical next step in offering to others the amazing benefits that essential oils have afforded my family. I have since closed my oil business for lack of time and getting spread too thin, but feel free to email me with questions you may have.